They actually have a really good stand with little feet that can be pulled out for stability. However, ours have been well loved by our children and the pieces are scattered a bit. This day was windy so my husband had to put a weight on the base so they wouldn't tip over.
We use them to set up on two end of the sidewalk in front of our house. We put them just in front of the two driveways of our neighbors on either side. We have taught Lachlan to turn around at the driveways since we started riding trikes out front, but these just make it very visual for them and fun! What kid doesn't like to pretend they are big and driving their own "car" of sorts. Peter was walking our little Chihuahua and he had to follow the same rules - turn around and come back at the stop sign.
We set them up in the middle of the sidewalk for them to drive around and then come back. Of course this doesn't mean they can be unsupervised. They still need occasional reminders to turn around and come back, but overall it makes sidewalk trike time a lot easier.
I wasn't sure if I could find them on Amazon, but here they are! Emerson Auto LED Parking Signal
Such a great idea!