We had a wonderful and unexpected day yesterday. Grandpa and Grandma Colton and GG stopped by for a visit. As GG and Grandpa Neil were getting ready to leave to go to my Aunt Patty's house Lachlan said "I want to come too!" The little girl I watch randomly got picked up early so there was really no reason we couldn't go. I think when I said "Okay, let's go" it kind of surprised Lachlan.
He ran into his room and grabbed his jacket, his railroad hat, his Dad's suspenders and his socks. His Dad's suspenders were on the coat hook in his room because his brother and him have used them as reins and they take turn being the horse. When I saw that he and Grandpa were trying to put them on I ran and got the ones that are more his size. I bought these suspenders for Jeff for his first Father's day. They say Daddy's Helper on them.
After we got home from Patty's they were both in a fun mood so I thought I would get out my camera. I needed to practice with setting the white balance anyhow.
Oh just laying here with my foot in the dogs water bowl, no big deal. |
Tear on his cheek. He had just fallen and cried a bit but he looks so happy otherwise. |
He is actually letting me take his picture again. If I can catch him that is. |
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