Saturday, January 9, 2016

Christmas Blessings

I was sitting at my computer opening mail and talking to my husband as he worked in the kitchen.  It was the usual stack of Christmas cards we get this time of year.  I opened a red envelope with out looking at who it was from, opened the card and money fell out.  I was surprised.  We normally get newsletters or pictures in cards.  I thought, hmm, who is this from.  I read the names and they were names I did not recognize.  I thought, oh no, maybe I opened a card addressed to someone else.  So I looked at the envelope, it was addressed to Tracy and Jeffrey (correct last name) and Boys.  Well, there was no mistake there.  The card was sent from Nevada, we don't know anyone in Nevada.  I sat in silence with my jaw dropped for quite a while.  Not sure what to do next.  Eventually I called Jeff's name and held the crisp bill in the air.  

It was one of those moments that makes you just want to cry.  But the shock wasn't allowing it.  I am not one to dwell on the hardships in life.  I try to stay positive and especially when recording life here on my blog.  So I have not gone into the details of our life the last few years.  But someone knew. 

My suspicions lead me to Norma, Jeff's Mom.  We asked her if she recognized the names and she knew who it was instantly.  This women was a past co worker of Norma's and knew all of her children.  She has since moved but keeps in touch with Norma by phone and keeps up with our family through this blog.  She felt lead to bless us this Christmas and gave us very specific directions to "play Santa" for the boys. 

It's funny, because I have had this strong desire to make Christmas really something this year.  My husband has been sick for 3 years.  We know part of the problem but we don't know it all, I suspect there is more.  He has some good days and a lot of bad days.  He struggles to get to work almost everyday.  For the last three months he has had to work every Saturday to make up for the hours missed during the week.  So all we have is Sunday together.  It's been really hard on us all.  So I suppose my desire stemmed from there. 

But I just have to stop here to say, that this blessing was much more than the monetary amount.  It was like God was shouting into our souls, "I love you, I will take care of you, the body of Christ hears me and they are My hands and they are My feet."  The power of that feeling, the feeling of being safe in Christ's hands, is just so overwhelming.  A weight was lifted with that card, with that gift.  One I can not describe.  Jeff and I were able to float through Christmas.  We had so much fun!  I mean lots of smiles and joking and kidding and glowing at the site of our children. 

Now to the difficult part, what do we get the boys for Christmas that will blow their minds as much as that surprise blessing blew ours.  Of course we could have saved it for a "rainy day" but the desire of the giver was for it to be used for fun.  So we did.  Finally we decided to spend the full amount on one BIG family gift - a tent.  A giant, giant tent from Helen  Santa.  It was set up in our living room when the kids woke up on Christmas morning. 
 We opened our presents and played with our presents inside the tent. 

Oh the countless memories that will be made in this tent. We actually set this tent back up in the playroom and Jeff and the two older boys spent Christmas night in the tent.  It was the first of many adventures. 

Al, Helen & Sarah we will think of you each and every time this tent is put to use.  But beyond that we will praise God for that Christmas that HE showed his presence to us in a real way through you.  Thank you for being the hands and feet of Christ, thank you for listening to His prompting.  Thank you for renewed strength and renewed HOPE in what sometimes feels like a hopeless and unending situation.  You are such a blessing to us.  

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